Sins are held in the heart or spirit of man. Therefore, the heart or spirit must be circumcised. Sins are destroyed by water baptism.
A call to action. Sealing the servants of God. Press toward the mark!
JESUS is not racist. JESUS died for all. All are blessed who obey the Gospel.
Revelation 7 truth. Sealing happening now. Tabernaclist not Pentecostal.
Apostles and prophets spearhead the church into all truth for the perfecting of the church. 7 angels include the present-day apostles.
Sealing God's servants by this Word. The glory of God. Tabernaclist.
Resurrection vs. Glorification. Doctrine of Christ. God made of no reputation. (The Greek word "kenóō" means to make empty or void.)
JESUS the True God, the Inerrant Word of God. The Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in JESUS!
The mystery revealed. JESUS is that Spirit. The Son is the Father revealed.
Rich towards self and not rich toward God. This grace of giving and receiving. The Laodicean spirit.
The work of the ministry. The New Thing. The New Wine in the Latter Rain.
World follows the false church. False church overthrown by the beast. Man of sin is then revealed.
The Great Tribulation in relation to Israel. Why 3 1/2 years of the JESUS ministry? The sheep and the goats.
A radical change in this new thing God is doing. Not church as usual. 4 angels holding back the 4 winds that hurt the earth.
Angels among us for the work of the ministry. Knowledge of God will be increased due to the angels running to and fro in the earth. The work of the ministry will be manifest in all the world that JESUS is the LORD.
Jacob's trouble explained. Tribulation (trouble) versus The Great Tribulation. The Day of the LORD explained.
Jacob's trouble explained. Tribulation (trouble) versus The Great Tribulation. The Day of the LORD explained.
What is grace? Righteousness by which grace reigns. Holiness required for salvation.
Christ the Spirit vs. Christ the man. JESUS' resurrection vs. JESUS' ascension. JESUS glorified with the Father.
Veil rent making one new man. God made Himself of no reputation to take on a body of flesh. JESUS - Jehovah Is Salvation by His Sprirt.